Memoir; ISBN: 978-0-9973342-1-0; Pages: 360; Published August 4, 2016
Tempus Fugitive By Dion Wright
Over 100 images are included in this book about “Art, Beatniks, Sex, Hippies, Art Festivals, Mind Expansion, and Mortality.” Tempus Fugitive is Dion's honest, humorous, and personal history of the American counter-culture of the 20th century, as he experienced, observed, and documented it.
About the book, Dion says, “Tempus Fugitive is a historical memoir of mid-20th Century American culture and counter-culture, with emphasis on art, psychology, philosophy, and how the pursuit of expanded consciousness via chemistry, relative to these and other subjects, had many and often mortal unforeseen consequences. All of this high-falutin’ intent is carried in a narrative by real stories about real people.”
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“If you think the ‘50s to the ‘70s were interesting, find out for sure, and read Tempus Fugitive, a true and funny history of the time.”
— Ian Bernard
“Dion Wright's book is a marvel. Our paths crossed in and out of one another's during the ‘60s, linked by people like Stewart Brand and Tim Leary, and though we might have disagreed about much ‘in the day’ both our communities ‘played for keeps.’ This is a deep and authentic view into the life and sensibilities of a group like mine, The Diggers, but with its own, more psychedelicized orbit. Both of us were (perhaps too) fearless explorers. Both made mistakes and both he and I have lived to write about the great, late 20th-century upheaval, which changed cultural premises of our Nation. We’re still dealing with those changes today. I so recognized the tone of the time in these pages and urge you to read it.”
— Peter Coyote
“First, I found myself traveling West- and East- Coastally by pickup truck in artist Dion Wright’s memoir Tempus Fugitive: A Personal History of the American Counter-Culture of the 20th Century. Then, serendipitously, I next rode pillion on Oliver Sacks’ BMW R60 (and its lesser antecedents) in On the Move: A Life. While each of our lives involves a search for meaning, Wright's (like Sacks') peripatetic quest takes us through territory few of us have travelled and lived to tell about. Wright (like Sacks) has the literary chops to channel us with him by extensive gauntlets of modern Scyllas and Charybdises and beckoning Lotus Eaters, a truly mythic world of ‘Art, Beatniks, Sex, Hippies, Art Festivals, Mind Expansion, Mortality.’ Wright’s completely engaging tale is rich in famous and infamous people, critical insight, irony, honesty, and laugh-out-loud turns of phrase.”
— George Voland
“Sharing space at the Festival of Arts in Laguna, Dion and I were disillusioned by cement and straights. I went surfing; Dion (Dionysus - god of sex and wine and patron of the arts) went seeking. In the waning Beat scene of the ‘50s, Wright begins an Odyssey through mind expansion and politically unsettled times. An admitted ‘fly on the wall’ as well as participant, we’re entertained by the sex and foibles of a like-minded community of artful seekers through the keen memory and acerbic wit of Mr. Wright. It is an encyclopedia of hipsters, potheads, and psychedelic voyagers...”
— John Severson
“I was fascinated by Dion’s narrative and high literary description of other characters and the important history of the time and place, being a geography south of San Francisco and the Beats a demised scene comparatively, I think. It should be taught in every school, a VERY important well-written book done by a master welder who sealed that hot seam of history.”
— Charley Plymell
“The book Tempus Fugitive is a gold mine for artists and art students. Dion Wright attempted to extricate himself from the narrative and focus on the route of the specific counterculture he participated in and observed, always including artists, and from his perspective (as an artist). By not focusing on himself, he richly demonstrates the idiosyncratic, signature artists’ mind, and is a touchstone for any of us struggling in the world of fine art. We will find our own idiosyncrasy has intelligent companions.”
— Larry Gill
“Tempus Fugitive is a crystal-clear reflection of a simpler time filled with vivid characters who would be mostly gone now if Dion hadn’t put them to paper. Their voices resound with new life while the attitude and tendencies remain as before, youthful and undaunted. The stories of their art, work, and play remain fresh and relevant. Listen closely and hear Krishna's flute...”
— William "Bud" Hedrick
“It is quite typical of the person and artist, my good friend, Dion Wright to title his book A Personal History of the American Counter-Culture of the 20th Century, Tempus Fugitive a punny expletive loaded version of the clichéd Latin expression ‘Time Flies.’ And these 350 pages do fly according to his accurate description, ‘a historical memoir with emphasis on Art, Psychology, Philosophy, and the pursuit of expanded consciousness, via Chemistry, delivered in a narrative through real stories about real people.’ Owing to the thirty-nine page mentions of myself and our communal group USCO, I am a totally biased and flattered commentator on Wright’s flight through the druggy, sexy, ‘visions of truth’ portrayed as Dion wandered from California’s Laguna Beach through New York State’s Woodstock, the San Francisco Beat Scene and always returning to Laguna portraying and characterizing along those ways in words, photographs and graphics, the times and personalities of such knowables as Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary, Janie Chipmunk and a host of other types and artists of all genders, with a special emphasis on one of the principals of the fraternity of psychedelic buccaneers, John Griggs, who named The Brotherhood of Eternal Love, and according to our author, was the ‘prophet’ who inspired this book, writing ‘I am not intending to make a mythological character out of him, or even a hero, but we need him as a symbol of idealism.’ To close, I recommend you do your best to find Tempus Fugitive and experience these lives. A flavor of ethical, albeit controversial behaviors fill these pages depicting in toto the ‘ideal’ meant by Wright’s honoring of that meaningful Griggs association.”
— Gerd Stern

About the Author
Dion Wright is an active and prolific artist, producing an inspiring body of work spanning sixty years. When not writing, Dion is in his studio creating mostly-representation sculptures in welded metals. Dion has spent every summer for the last five decades in Laguna Beach at the Sawdust Art Festival, an art show he co-founded with other creative “hippie types” in 1968. Dion wishes he could spend all his time catching reptiles and fish, like he’s done since early childhood. Creative obsession has “forced entry into his druthers” and his first book, Tempus Fugitive, is an example of that.
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