Short Stories & Anthologies; ISBN: 978-1401075880; Pages: 142; Published October 31, 2003
NYC Transit[s] By Robert Dumont
Uptown. Downtown. The city on the move. In ceaseless motion below the ground and on its streets. N.Y.C. Transit[s] is an assemblage of narratives and dramas, of rants, aperçus, and New York moments that constitute the daily experience of voyaging from here to there amid the urban vortex. Step lively please. . . At any given moment tragedy and farce can be observed riding the subway train together to different destinations; while the banal and the fantastic are experienced in equal measure onboard a city bus. Stand clear of the closing doors.
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About the Author
Robert Dumont was born in Oklahoma in 1947 and graduated from Tulsa University. In 1974, he and his wife settled in New York City. They remain there still, residing in the borough of Brooklyn. His fiction has appeared in Telephone, Innisfree, and Caprice.
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